Friday, April 6, 2012


     Today, I was still working out in the country.  My client has such a nice garden and he offered me some fresh, straight from the garden, carrots, spinach and lettuce. I even got to dig up some of the carrots, myself!  As soon as I got home, I washed them and started eating the carrots and spinach.  My Charlie dog loves carrots, so I gave him a little one, too.
     A few years ago, I had a nice little garden in my backyard,  Then, my trees grew really tall and I no longer had enough direct sunlight for my garden.  I miss it, but do love and appreciate my trees and shade when it gets so very, very hot in the summer.
     Do you have a garden and something fresh to eat all the time?  I would love to do that again!  Maybe, I'll reconsider some of my flower beds. From time to time, a tomato plant, green pepper plant and once a lettuce started growing in my compost pile. I just nurtured them and got cherry tomatoes and one bell pepper.  The lettuce got eaten by visitors to my compost pile.
     If you're fortunate enough to have one, good luck with your summer garden!

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