Saturday, May 12, 2012


     I love! this combination of colors. After all of this precious rain the plants will become bigger and even better. Today, while I was mowing the yard, I kept looking at these colors and they bring such joy to me.  Because of all the new rain, my herbs in this big flower bed, were hanging over their barriers and I just mowed right over them.  The fragrance was amazing!!  The whole time I was in the yard, the fragrance lingered.
     After mowing the yard, I had to trim my lizard tail water plant.  It was so full and the heavy rains made it fall into the pond.  It looks much better, now.  And, when you trim lizard tail, it has an amazing fragrance, too.  I do love my fish pond and maintenance on it is never a problem for me.  I love keeping it nice and clean and beautiful!  And, I know that helps keep my fish healthy.  I think I have about 16 fish in this pond.  At the deepest, it's 3' and holds around 715 gals.  I have plenty of room for the new babies.  When the new babies are first born, they are black, so they can easily hide from predators.
     That mama wren is guarding the portal to her babies.  When I get a new birdhouse, I always drill holes on the side that I'll be able to see.  And, since I want the wrens and chickadees, who are clingers, I drill the holes about 6" or so above the base.  Sparrows need a larger house and they know their babies can't get out of a nest with the portal so high.  On this birdhouse, a squirrel chewed the portal until it was large enough for it to get in, but certainly not big enough for a squirrel's nest.  I meant to patch that to keep the squirrel and bigger predators out, but forgot about it until I saw the mama wren guarding it.  It, also, has the smaller, higher portal that I drilled on the side for two entrances.

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