Wednesday, May 29, 2013


   Today, I have new butterfly eggs all over my fennel.  Those tiny cream colored balls are butterfly eggs.  Just like a bird or chicken egg, as the embryo matures, the egg will get darker because it's filling up with baby.  The mama butterfly does not lay her eggs in a nest.  She lays one here and one there, far enough apart that each little hatching caterpillar will  have plenty to eat and no competition for food as they grow.  In about a week, I'll have tiny baby caterpillars again, and I'm going to protect them from wasps and birds, if I can.
     This mama mockingbird has been staying very close to my front porch where my cats hang out.  She keeps making a warning sound.  I'm sure she's trying to distract all from her nest.  The nest is in a cedar elm tree very close by.  Today, I finally can hear the babies.  I love mockingbirds and they are our state bird.  (Mama mockingbird can rest easy about my cats.  If one of her babies hopped up to their mouth and jumped on their noses and chirped at them, I don't think they would know to grab it.  I think they would just be amused.)

     Anytime I turn on the camera, Charlie comes running and looks up at me.  So, I had to take a cutie pie photo of him.  Last time I had his teeth cleaned, he lost two front teeth so, now he's snaggletoothed.  But, still very, very cute!
       Today, I went to my favorite nursery, Shades of Green, to spend my birthday money. I love cosmos and pentas.  They are both butterfly flowers.  And, I got two of the old fashioned hot pink phlox.  I really love them and they are butterfly flowers, too.  I'll get these in the ground in the next few days.  Hopefully, before the heat sets in, again.  But, the recent rains have really cooled things off, for now.


  1. Don't you just love mockingbirds? I could listen to them sing all day long. Yesterday I saw some fussing at a cat in the neighborhood. :)

    My pentas aren't exactly taking off this year. Probably waiting for the heat though.

  2. Yes, I do love mockingbirds. They're so smart to be able to copy other bird's sounds. The pentas that I got earlier aren't doing well, either. I think you're right about them waiting for the warmer weather.

  3. Is there a Shades of Green in San Antonio or did you visit the one in Frisco, which is my all time favorite - well besides Blue Moon Gardens in Edom, TX.


    1. There is a Shades of Green in San Antonio and I really love visiting there. They're organic and always have what I'm looking for.

  4. Charlie is too cute! Mockingbirds are real protectors and so much fun to watch. Have a lovely week.

  5. That's the cutest little dog! I love the Mockingbird - fingers crossed the babies make it through this risky time.

    1. Thank you and he is a cutie! and, has the best, happy personality. I do love observing nature, too.

  6. There was one mocking bird in our area all last summer. No mate. I wonder if he's back yet. They sure are interesting in all the bird calls they imitate. I didn't know that butterflies laid eggs like that. I'll be looking for those too! Pamela

    1. Well, be sure to wear your best glasses or magnifying glass to look for the eggs. They are really tiny. Once you recognize them it's easy to find them everywhere.

  7. I've tried to protect our caterpillars that hatch but they're there one day and gone the next! My host plant is dill so I plant it amongst the flowers as well as the veggie garden.
    Poor puppy to loose 2 teeth.

    1. I guess that's why we don't see an abundance of butterflies. They and the caterpillars are such gentle, vulnerable little creatures and there are so many predators. And yes, I felt sorry for Charlie, too. But, he's fine and happy!

  8. Charlie is very cute! I didn't know this about butterfly eggs. I'll have to start paying attention around here. Enjoy this nesting season at your place!

    1. Thank you! For the butterfly eggs, you really have to look closely because they are so small.

  9. Ha! That's funny that Charlie thinks the camera is for shots of him!

    1. It is funny! I think he must hear the buzz of the batteries starting up because wherever he is, he's comes running and looks up at me.

  10. It is cool having the Mockingbird nest nearby. And I had a giggle seeing your Charlie, he is adorable. I love the Cosmos and any plant that attract the butterflies and hummers. Great post, thanks for sharing. Have a happy week!

    1. Thank you. Charlie is my special little friend. Yes, it is neat for the mockingbirds to feel safe in my yard. For years, they nested across the street and my cedar elm tree is big and bushy enough now, that I guess it was the best spot this year.

  11. This is lovely! I am hosting a giveaway via Arcadian home on my blog. Do drop by and enter if you like it :) Looking forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.

  12. Thank you! and, thank you for the invitation. The frames are beautiful!!
