Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Today, I visited my favorite nursery, Shades Of Green SA, and saw these beautiful perennial black-eyed susans.  I've had these before and they atttract lots of different butterflies and bugs.  This time, I'm going to take very good care of them so they will come back next year.  They're so nice and bright yellow out in the flower bed.

If you look closely at the center of the top left flower, there's a caterpillar.  I wanted to bring the caterpillar home too, and they said yes.  Usually when you see one caterpillar, you see several because of the way the butterfly lays her eggs, but only one on this plant.  So, I'm wondering if the others had already crawled off to start their cocoons.  Anyway, it's here and I'm hoping it will be happy in this big flower bed.
Oh, and not sure what kind of caterpillar it is.  Guess I'll just let it surprise me~


  1. Beautiful blooms. We recently posted about hosting two types of cats in our garden. It's a lot of fun. Enjoy!

  2. I have bunches of blackeyed susan's in my garden and flower beds. They are a beautiful choice and reseed too. I just transplant the babies in the spring if I want them in a different location. If not they fill in nicely and quickly.

    1. I would love for black-eyed susans to reseed, but they never have. I'll pay closer attention to them, this time. I really love their bright blooms with the dark center.

  3. I have tons of black-eyed susans. I have to pull them up like weeds. Once they get established, they go crazy! Thanks for linking up to Garden Tuesday!

    1. Oh my goodness!! You are the second one to say that! I would love to see all of that color in this flower bed. I guess I'm not taking care of them like ya'll are. I'm going to try harder, though.

  4. I love black eyed susan's. They've long been one of my favorite flowers.
