Friday, September 6, 2013


I walked out of my gate and this ant trail wasn't there.

I walked back to my gate and there it was!!  They look like wood ants and I'm not sure if they're after my picket fence or the oak trees nearby.  They were working really, really hard, but I had to get rid of them.  Often, I'll find a little trail of wood ants close to and on my house.  Twice, I've seen a trail of them going up to my roof or attic.
On Google, I read about a product called Terro and it's borax and sugar water.  It's supposed to kill the ants within a couple of days.  I truly do feel badly about killing them, but can't have them destroying my home and they WILL do that!! 
I just thought the trail was interesting.  Why didn't they have a straight line, instead of this particular pattern.  The end of that trail was going right back to the edge of my driveway.
  They were on a mission, for sure!


  1. Lynda, a local television station (Houston) just ran a segment about these ants. Seems they have invaded Texas - they are called "Crazy Ants" or "Raspberry Ants". They move very fast and their line is zig-zagging everywhere. We, too, have them in our back yard - we see them and then they just disappear for awhile. We did notice that since their arrival, we did not have Fire Ants in our yard this year. We spray ant spray on our patio but without much success. Did the Terro work; wonder if you could make your own product. Thanks for the info. Judy/Houston

    1. Oh yes, I have heard about the crazy ants. These ants were red and black like wood ants. I'm sorry I killed them, if they aren't harmful to my wood. This morning on the radio, the organic gardener said that aspartame that goes in certain sweeteners, is a good ant bait. I think you just open the package of sweetener and sprinkle it near their trail. Also, I have heard that you can use boric acid, but don't remember the formula. I haven't bought the Terro and probably won't. I think I'll buy some Sweet N'Low and try using that. Thank you for the information.

  2. Interesting post. Something to wonder about.

    1. I know! Maybe they really are crazy ants like jabreb suggested.

  3. must be following a drunk leader ant :)

  4. Very interesting and kinda beautiful. I didn't know that regular ants could hurt your house. Are these carpenter ants??? Yep, borax is EXCELLENT! Are your header photos of your house? Really lovely!


    1. The ants were black in back and orange up front and I thought they were carpenter ants. I've had trouble with carpenter ants before. Yes, all of the photos in my header and on the side are my home and pets. Thank you so much!!

  5. They definitely aren't fire ants! We have those crazy ants and they bite but it doesn't make a fester like fire ants do. We go on ant patrol on occasion to them from taking over.

    1. I guess I had better learn more about "crazy ants". I think they're new here.

  6. I'll trade your ants for about one million of my earwigs!! Larry

  7. The zig zag pattern is interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm thinking they're "crazy ants" and new to this area. I just wonder if they eat wood like wood ants. Google, here I come!

  8. I also feel bad about destroying them. However, they really have to be exterminated due to the damage they can cause due to certain fluids they excrete. Anyway, their trail is really amazing. They do know how to fall in line. Haha!

    Anthony Sebastian

  9. Ha! They do know how to follow the leader. As long as they are living outside only, I don't mind. I just don't want anything eating on my house!! I looked at your blog and love the idea of the dogs sniffing out the termites. I think there's a company here that has a dog for that.
