Thursday, September 18, 2014



These are the migrating baltimore orioles that I got to see this year.  And, a few more flock members, but still no vibrantly beautiful orange and black patriarch.
For many years, I had lots of orioles and one or several adult males.  I don't know if the drought has changed their flight path or what is going on.  I really miss seeing the flocks like I used to.  I will be looking forward to them again next year and hoping they remember my yard.

That little cardinal is there to greet them.  She was fascinated with the visitors.

This is how I can usually get good pictures of the migrating birds in the fall and a few in the spring.
I very carefully take these pictures through my blinds.  Well, not so carefully this time.  I was in a hurry to get the pictures before they flew away.
For several days now we've had really good rain.  The weather man said we will be having good rains for the next several days, too.
Certainly hope he's right.
I'm so thankful for any rain we get!!


  1. I'm curious, why do you have that grate over your birdbath?

    1. The grackles come and splash out all of the water and leave it dirty. With the grates, everybody can still drink clean water but grackles have to go some place else to bathe. I have two other smaller bird baths where others can bathe. Also, lots of birds bathe at the fish pond.

    2. I was thinking about your question...another reason is for the smaller birds to be able to get to the water. I've seen the little birds slide on the bird bath. And, a lot of the smaller migrating birds don't come close to the house where the other bird baths are. Also, when the orioles are passing through, I do move the grate back a little bit so they can bathe if they want to.

  2. Hi Lynda, I've had one solitary oriole for about a week now. He hangs out above the grape jelly feeder. Do you think he might stay over the winter or have all your orioles eventually moved on? How long do you leave your oriole feeders out?

    1. Hi Karin, My experience is that some might stay for a while and some of the flocks just move on after one day. But, I don't think I have ever seen them after September. I start seeing them mid August to about mid September. We do have orchard orioles that live in the country here. But, I think the baltimore orioles move on down to the valley and Mexico for the winter. I used to try the feeders and they weren't interested. I have always put out half of an orange and only one time in all of these years have I seen them feed on it. I have wondered if their diet changes as they are migrating. I always love seeing them.
