Monday, October 13, 2014



Yesterday was "pet prep for winter" day.
I washed all of the winter bedding for the outside cats.
There is a kitty door in my garage where it's safe on rainy days.  Also, I feel it's a little warmer than outside on really cold days.  There are several fluffy warm beds in there.

See the kitty door?  
That's a portrait of Mr. Smith, a sweet ole cat that came to me one day with little sores all over his face and body from some kind of buckshot or pellet gun.
He lived with me for a long time.
 I'm a painter and nearly always have wet furniture and paint cans stacked high in my studio.
I realized a long time ago, that cats jumping up on things and paint just DO NOT mix.  The cats that have lived here have always come to me as strays or unwanted.  The first thing I do is have them spayed or neutered and I take very good care of them.
But, they do have to live outside.  

There's a kitty door in the garden shed, too.  I moved things out and cleaned the floor really well.  As I moved things, I found all of these drawings in concrete that Kevy and Elizabeth drew when the foundation was first laid.  
They're past and present sweet pet family members.
Punkin cat likes to sleep in here.  When she was a tiny baby, her mommy hid her in here and it's always been a safe place for her.  She has clean and fluffy bedding in a warm corner.  She sleeps in the garage with the other cats, too.  Punkin and Elijah are my two cats and two of the neighbor cats spend most of their time over here.  I have a picket fence around my front yard and I think it makes them feel safe from cars and neighbor dogs that might be running around.

And, guess who got a bath today!
His eyes look a little scary, but it is almost Halloween :)
(My camera flash, of course)

It was fun and a little bit sad seeing all of this artwork.
There were some foot prints and hand prints, too.


  1. What a sweet post!

    I love the mural on the garage door.

    1. Thank you! That mural is a little faded now. One of these days, I'll just touch it up and it will be good for another 20 years.

  2. I love the garage door! Most of our kitties wander up to us too!

  3. oh how i love your painted garage door, it's so pretty! i need you to come down now and paint mine :) that's so wonderful you have a soft heart for the kitties, i have done that before too, in fact there is one around the neighborhood now, but he's still very skittish. and lol on your dog that he looks a little scary and almost halloween lol that really made me laugh.

    1. I love my little Charlie boy. I hope someone is feeding that little cat. I keep lots of fresh water out, too.

  4. What a beautiful post and a shed door to match! You are so sweet to kitties. Hubby and I have three :)

    1. Thank you! I feel so sorry for homeless and neglected animals. Cats can take care of themselves, so they're easy.

  5. Your garage is gorgeous. Of course, you are an artist and it shows. I have a cat who loves to go outside and I always let her but its starting to get cold when I live in PA and she doesn't always want to come in when I want to go to bed. Arghh. The things we do for our pets. ;)

  6. Thank you! It's a bit faded now, and I will spruce it up one of these days. This is what I did to make sure my cats hung around. I was always afraid they'd wander and get hurt. After their evening meal, I wait about an hour and then I give them a treat. That has worked with my cats for many years. They love their treats. Maybe she'll come back early, knowing her favorite treat is waiting for her.

  7. I love that you provide shelter for the kitties. You have a kind heart.

  8. I love the post and I love the artwork on your garage door. Our two dogs are rescues. Why someone would dump such sweet things, I don't know but at least they have a good home now!

    1. Thank you! People dump dogs and cats all around here, too. As if they know how to provide for themselves. It's hard to think about.

  9. It is so sweet of you to provide a safe place for cats to sleep and be "well" taken care of. I love the mural on the garage door.
    JM, Illinois

    1. Thank you! I have a huge montezuma cypress tree and when the fronds start falling, I rake them into piles. The cats LOVE those soft beds, too.

  10. Caring for cats, that is such a nice thing you are doing.
    Great pics with your post.
    Happy ODW!

    1. Thank you! It's not hard to take care of outside cats. They do seem to like it here :)

  11. I love this little slice of your life. I'm glad the kitties have a safe place to be. Our little pup is getting a bath today as well. Not her favorite day of the month!

    1. Charlie is 10 years old. I've bathed him since he was a puppy, so he's used to it. I bathe him about once a week and you can really tell that he feels better. I know that feeling :)

  12. Great post, lovely photos.
    Many thanks for linking through to Floral Friday Fotos!

  13. This is a very sweet and heart warming post. I love the painting on the garage door. Those cats are very lucky. Not only do they have a comfy home, but they also have a BEAUTIFUL home!

    1. Thank you so much! The cats that come to me are usally glad someone will feed them, so they're very nice cats.
