Friday, December 5, 2014


Gus is my "go to guy".  
He's worked with me for many years.

He's been really sick for almost a year, but he's feeling better and wanted to come by and help me do a few little things around my yard.  While he was sick, I tried to find someone, but couldn't find anyone who could do everything like he does.
He's attaching that lattice over my heart gate and it looks so nice. 
 I built that gate.  Many years ago, I found one like it in Victoria magazine and knew I had to have one.  I cut out the shape of a heart, skipping every other board.  But, the empty space of one board is just big enough for possums, raccoons, skunks, everything to climb through.  To keep Charlie safe, I stuffed lots of chicken wire in those holes.  It looks so much better with the lattice, now.

Charlie and Punkin are best friends.  They love to be nearby while I'm working in the yard.  And they love Gus, so they kept moving around the yard to be close to wherever he was working.

There is an easement between my heart gate and my neighbor's fence.  It's my property, but it is a utility easement and I have to take care of it.  While Gus was working on the gate, I saw this fake/decorative apple.  When I picked it up, I saw that someone had tried to take a bite out of it.  I guess it must have made them mad because they threw it over the fence.
Gus said they were probably drinking and didn't realize it was a fake apple.  
Funny, huh!


  1. The lattice looks good and we must keep our fur babies safe!

    1. Yes, we do! I like your Christmas card family picture. And, your little cat sleeping under the Christmas tree. Sweet.
