Wednesday, February 18, 2015



Today, I finally pulled up this sow thistle.
When it first starts growing, the lesser and american goldfinches  just love hanging on it and eating something.  Not sure if they're eating bugs or seeds.  For a week or so the finches no longer eat from it, so bye bye thistle.  I know it's a weed growing in my flower bed, but I love seeing the finches on it.  The flower bed looks really nice now that it's gone.

Early this morning I could hear the owls again.  They've been gone for about three weeks.  I guess they move around for food sources.  So, so glad they came back and love hearing them again.
Regarding the monarch butterfly chrysalises, this winter has been so interesting watching their life stages.  I've kept notes and one of these days I'll create a journal about what I've observed and learned about them.
Today, the red-winged blackbirds are here at the feeders.  They're migrating through on their way back home, wherever that is.  They're such beautiful birds.
When I got home from work, the bright red cardinal and  his mate were in the crepe myrtle by my front porch, just chirping and chirping.  I thought "how pretty" and then I realized that they were chirping at my Punkin cat and the neighbor cat.  I'm guessing there's a nest nearby and they're trying to distract them.  I tried to find a nest, but don't see it yet.  I sprinkled a lot of cayenne pepper on the ground around the base of two thick shrubberies where the cardinals have nested before.  I'm hoping that will deter the cats.
I don't usually work in homes being built, but this was a special request for me to paint a special finish on allll the cabinets in this huge beautiful home.  There is no heat and very little light.  The electricians were there today and said they will have lights installed so I can see what I'm doing tomorrow.  There are several big lantern type heaters on the patio and the supervisor told me he would have one for me tomorrow.  I was sooooo cold working today, but got a lot done.  The weather is supposed to start warming up, thank goodness.  It's only in the 30's and 40's here, but that's cold to me!  All of those snow storms in the east are just amazing.
I guess I'm a sissy painter, but I want to be comfortable while I'm working.
Tomorrow will be a better day for me and I hope you have a good rest of the week, too.

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