Thursday, July 30, 2015



The story about Cecil the lion was so, so sad to me.  I don't understand the mentality of wanting to kill such a beautiful, unique animal for the pleasure of a photograph with it or to hang it on your wall.  They tortured Cecil.  First that guy shot him with a bow and arrow.  That didn't kill him, so they tracked him for 40 hours and shot him, skinned him and cut off his head.  Up until that happened, Cecil had been treated really well and people loved him and his pride.
So, with all of the talk and outrage about Cecil, one of the guys on the radio was talking about it, yesterday.   He was talking about the contrast of outrage to the recent videos of the aborted babies and what was happening to them.  He was wondering why the outrage wasn't the same for them.  To me, it's just so horrifying and shocking that I could never put into words what I'm feeling.  And, nothing I could say or do would change anything.  
I know of three women who told me they had an abortion when they were very young and regretted it terribly.  The sorrow and the guilt were overwhelming.  Especially when we're young, sometimes we  make choices without guidance.  Choices that we later regret.  Maybe, maybe, maybe these recent videos will help someone make better and more informed choices.
That radio talk show conversation did make me think and ponder about the reason I haven't discussed it with anyone.  It's just so horrifying and awful.  
I may start a discussion with family, but I'm not even sure what I will say.
A blogger's comment on my post about Cecil The Lion:
Clipped Wings Blog 
"That is a tragedy, but people kill off tons of dogs and cats every year and think nothing about it. Those are tragedies also. Most people tend to think of animals as not important in the realm of comparison to humans, so they are considered more expendable which is a shame, but a fact of life."
Yes, we can't forget about them.
Very, very sad!

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