Sunday, September 6, 2015



Do you know about Smart Pots?
This flower bed has been a problem for years.  I just cannot keep the weeds out of it.  Because of several perennials and reseeding plants, I didn't want to completely dig it up and put new soil in it.  
On Sunday mornings, I listen to The Dirt Doctor, organic gardener ( and he talked about these pots.  I ordered four of them.
They're fabric.  They have good air flow and in the sun they do not get soooo terribly hot like my other pots.  I still have to water every day or so.  They come in a darker color and this tan.  I prefer the tan ones.  I was concerned about squirrels chewing on them and this is the response I got from
Thank you for being a Smart Pot customer. It is a fact that our fabric is a rodent deterrent, in regards to burrowing rodents such as moles or gophers, they will try to chew through the fabric, but aren’t able and generally leave them alone. I have no first-hand knowledge or feedback regarding squirrels, but I would assume it is the same. If you do notice an issue, you might consider chicken wire or fencing of some type. I hope that helps and feel free to submit any other questions or concerns. Thanks again.
Happy Gardening,
Sounds good to me! 
 Honestly, my plants in direct sun seem to be doing better, now.  It will not be easy, but I am determined to get rid of those weeds and have a nice flower bed, again.
Punkin loves sleeping on these rocks in the shade.  Look at her pretty green eyes.  
She's such a good cat.
Hope your week is good!

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